Our friend Jodi took some shots at our recent Birmingham show.
Check out Jodi’s work here
Here are a few pics she took on the night
Spanish and German shows
We’re really excited to be back into Europe! Cant wait to see you guys again
With 3 albums now, what would you like to hear?
Get your tickets here now!
Ice Bucket Challenge
Feature: Steven at Bloodstock for Kerrang! Magazine!
Check out what happened when Kerrang! magazine sent Steven to Bloodstock festival right here
Team Rock radio interview
Hey guys you can now listen to the interview I did with our great friend Matt Stocks for Team Rock radio right here
Giant Squids, singing under the stars & sold out Manchester!
After a dark comedy transportation start to the weekend we ambled into Manchester in multiple vehicles and played one of my favourite shows in recent memory. We added Requiem to the set list which felt great and also played Blood Is Sharp which we haven’t played in an age.
Sold out Manchester thank you!
I had a great time playing under the stars for a bunch of you after the show as well!
Our first visit to Rugby was great! Its always a treat when we play new places and an audience actually turns up! We dropped in “Genevieve” for this show which hasn’t been played in SO long! Loved meeting some of you after the show.
Check out the set list for both headline shows
Sunday saw our first time at Y Not festival, Its the closet to home we’ve been in a while and I couldn’t help feeling proud of all involved at how great an operation it was! We had a brilliant time. We played on the giant squid stage with a great bill! Felt odd doing only six songs after the headline shows, oh and I destroyed my hip bone diving out of the crowd!
Set list:
Do you Get What You Pray For?
The Bells! The Bells!!
Birmingham and Strawberry Fields festival up next, tickets here
Manchester sold out
Post redfest catch up / new interview / Headline shows!
Redfest was great! We had such a cool show and it was really fun to catch up with our friends in The Blackout and The First.
Thanks to all you guys down the front, it’s lovely to look out and see some familiar faces making the trip to all these shows 🙂
Myself and Alan did a few interviews (Mark was sunbathing!) which we’ll post as and when they go live but right now and for your massive enjoyment, is our epic interview (more an incident) with Sophie Eggleton
We’ve some one off headline shows starting at the end of this week. Manchester is close to selling out so be quick! We also play Rugby for the first time on the Saturday.
Then its Y Not festival on Sunday!
Check them all out below and get tickets here
Next up for us in our Summer Of Screams is Redfest! Our first time playing this festival!
Check out the poster and the stage times below, tickets are still available here
G.U.I.L.T.Y Kerrang! Radio Single of the week
The excellent Jon Jackson over at Kerrang! Radio has made G.U.I.L.T.Y his single of the week on the breakfast show. You can listen to Kerrang Radio anywhere online right here
Thanks to you guys who voted for G.U.I.L.T.Y to be video of the week over at ourzone magazine
Right now we have a great G.U.I.L.T.Y summer bundle for you, Shapes Of Screams on either CD or white vinyl with a G.U.I.L.T.Y t-shirt for a lovely reduced combined price of £19.99 CD/Tee or £27.19 for Vinyl/Tee Grab your bundle here