JKL, Good friends & Victory in the search of REAL bread

We spent all of last week on twelve hour days at NRG studios in North Hollywood creating with producer Jacknife Lee. Its so interesting and beneficial to us to have both Greg Wells and JKL working on our record – two totally different approaches and both amazing! I’m really starting to feel the album taking on a life of its own now and I almost feel like I no longer own the music as it twists and fights its way through the desires from which it is both inspired and now inspires.
We had such an amazing night on Saturday meeting up with our great friends in Paramore – I LOVE THEM GUYS! They made us feel so welcome and then to top it all off pulled us up on stage for the last song which was huge fun. They deserve all the success they are having cause they work so hard and are such great people – a true inspiration!
Today (or yesterday for you guys back home in Europe) we took a trip with our engineer Sam over to Malibu where we finally had a VICTORY in our search for BREAD that tastes like home! Thanks to LINDA at YE OLD Kings Head shop Santa Monica (AN EVERY THING ENGLISH SHOP!!) WOW it was Cadburys (which I cant eat cause I’m on Chocolate ban) BAKED BEANS!!!! I could go on and on. Definitely be returning next weekend!
So we return to NRG and more 12 hour days all this week.
Every day in every way we come closer to creating a new chapter in our legacy.
Now its time for Marmite on TOAST and 24 episode 22!